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High Yield

Actively managed fund that invests in corporate bonds in the high yield segment. The fund aims to outperform the market through a concentrated investment strategy.

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High Yield


Forventet intern rente før omkostninger*

Fonden har et højt forventet afkast pga. sin aktive og fokuserede investeringsstrategi.

Rådet for Afkastforventninger angiver 5,6% forventet afkast på kort sigt for aktiv klassen. 

*Læs mere om vores afkastberegninger.


DKK 675.166.000

The fund is listed. Danske Bank is depositary and market maker.

Higher yield less volatility

The fund distinguishes itself by having a more focused portfolio and investment strategy than the typical high yield fund. The fund's strategy has resulted in lower price fluctuations and higher returns than the general high yield market. In 2021, the fund ranked at the top of its category and received an award from as the best fund in European high yield.

Active management – that outperforms the market

The fund is actively managed and invests in bonds in the high yield segment, primarily issued by European companies and denominated in euros.

Accunia High Yield distinguishes itself from other funds in the same category by having a more focused portfolio, investing in fewer companies that Accunia has an in-depth knowledge of.

The fund has the flexibility to invest in all types of corporate bonds. All investments are associated with a thorough fundamental analysis of the creditor company.

Information for investorer


Gives an overview of, among other things, the current composition of investments in the fund and historical returns


Gives an overview of costs and risk.


The fund has Danske Bank as depositary and is under revision by EY Danmark.


The fund is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen, and you can invest in the fund via Accunia or your bank's online service by listing the code of the fund.

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